December 5, 2008

ASUS Eee PC 900HA 8.9-Inch Netbook

Asus, Asus Eee PC, mini laptop, Netbook

Product Discription

ASUS Eee PC 900HA 8.9-Inch Netbook (1.6 GHz Intel ATOM N270 Processor, 1 GB RAM, 160 GB Hard Drive, XP Home) Black
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The new Eee PC 900HA offers you more options for your mobile computing needs, providing the power of a full-sized laptop--with the latest Intel mobile processor and a 160 GB hard drive--in a compact body with an 8.9-inch screen. Designed specifically for mobile devices, the 1.6 GHz Intel Atom processor uses a brand new design structure new hafnium-infused circuitry--which reduces electrical current leakage in transistors--to conserve energy, giving you more time away from the wall outlet. Coupled with the ASUS exclusive Super Hybrid Engine, you'll also enjoy up to 5 hours of battery life with this Windows-powered laptop.

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